Controls On Cell Division Graphic Organizer

Controls on cell division graphic organizer – Delve into the intricate world of cell division with our comprehensive guide, featuring an exclusive graphic organizer that unveils the key factors regulating this fundamental biological process. Discover the significance of cell division and the mechanisms that ensure its proper execution, empowering you with a deeper understanding of cellular biology.

From internal signals to external cues and the crucial role of checkpoints, this guide unravels the complexities of cell division, providing a comprehensive overview that illuminates the intricacies of this essential process.

1. Cell Division Overview


Cell division is a fundamental process in biology that allows cells to reproduce and create new cells. It involves a series of highly regulated events that ensure the accurate duplication and distribution of genetic material to daughter cells.

Stages of Cell Division

  • Interphase:The cell grows and prepares for division.
  • Prophase:Chromosomes condense and become visible.
  • Metaphase:Chromosomes align at the equator of the cell.
  • Anaphase:Sister chromatids separate and move to opposite poles of the cell.
  • Telophase:Two new nuclear membranes form around the chromosomes.
  • Cytokinesis:The cell membrane pinches in the middle, dividing the cell into two daughter cells.

Significance of Cell Division

  • Growth and development of organisms
  • Replacement of damaged or old cells
  • Reproduction in some organisms

2. Controls on Cell Division

Controls on cell division graphic organizer

Cell division is tightly regulated by a complex network of internal and external signals that ensure its proper execution and prevent errors.

Internal Signals

  • Cyclins:Proteins that fluctuate in concentration throughout the cell cycle and activate cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs).
  • CDKs:Enzymes that phosphorylate other proteins, driving cell cycle progression.

External Signals, Controls on cell division graphic organizer

  • Growth factors:Proteins that bind to receptors on the cell surface and stimulate cell division.
  • Hormones:Chemical messengers that can stimulate or inhibit cell division.


Cell cycle checkpoints are critical control points that monitor the progress of cell division and ensure its accuracy.

  • G1 checkpoint:Ensures the cell is ready to enter S phase (DNA replication).
  • G2 checkpoint:Ensures the cell is ready to enter M phase (mitosis).
  • M checkpoint:Ensures the chromosomes are properly aligned before anaphase.

3. Graphic Organizer for Controls on Cell Division

Controls on cell division graphic organizer

Controls on Cell Division
Category Control Description
Internal Signals Cyclins Proteins that fluctuate in concentration throughout the cell cycle and activate CDKs.
Internal Signals CDKs Enzymes that phosphorylate other proteins, driving cell cycle progression.
External Signals Growth factors Proteins that bind to receptors on the cell surface and stimulate cell division.
External Signals Hormones Chemical messengers that can stimulate or inhibit cell division.
Checkpoints G1 checkpoint Ensures the cell is ready to enter S phase (DNA replication).
Checkpoints G2 checkpoint Ensures the cell is ready to enter M phase (mitosis).
Checkpoints M checkpoint Ensures the chromosomes are properly aligned before anaphase.

4. Examples of Controls on Cell Division

Internal Signals

  • Cyclin D1: Required for G1/S transition.
  • Cyclin B1: Required for G2/M transition.

External Signals, Controls on cell division graphic organizer

  • Epidermal growth factor (EGF): Stimulates cell division in skin cells.
  • Insulin: Stimulates cell division in fat and muscle cells.


  • p53: A tumor suppressor protein that activates G1 checkpoint in response to DNA damage.
  • Chk1: A kinase that activates G2 checkpoint in response to DNA damage.

5. Applications of Understanding Controls on Cell Division

Treating Diseases

Understanding cell division controls can help develop therapies for diseases such as cancer, where uncontrolled cell division leads to tumor formation.

Therapeutic Applications

  • CDK inhibitors: Drugs that inhibit CDKs and block cell division.
  • Checkpoint inhibitors: Drugs that block checkpoints and allow cells with DNA damage to divide, leading to cell death.

Ethical Implications

Manipulating cell division controls has ethical implications, as it raises concerns about the potential misuse of such knowledge for non-therapeutic purposes.

FAQs: Controls On Cell Division Graphic Organizer

What is the significance of cell division?

Cell division is essential for growth, development, tissue repair, and reproduction in all living organisms.

How do internal signals control cell division?

Internal signals, such as cyclins and CDKs, drive the cell cycle forward by regulating the progression through different phases.

What is the role of checkpoints in cell division?

Checkpoints are surveillance mechanisms that monitor the cell’s readiness to divide and ensure the fidelity of the process.

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